An official visit from WFNS representatives to Istanbul
The representatives of WFNS-World Congress of Neurosurgery and Istanbul CVB officially visited Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Governor of Istanbul.
The 16th WFNS-World Congress of Neurosurgery will be held in Istanbul between 20-25 August 2017. Before hosting the congress in Istanbul, the representatives of WFNS-World Congress of Neurosurgery visited Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Governor’s Office of Istanbul with the support of Istanbul CVB.
General Manager of Istanbul CVB Hicran Özbük, The President of WFNS Yong-Kwang Tu, Secretary General of WFNS Basant Misra, Lecturer of Koc University Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. İhsan Solaroğlu, The President of Turkish Neurosurgery Society Prof. Dr. Uğur Türe, the Vice President of Turkish Neurosurgery Society Prof. Dr. Talat Kırış and the representatives of organizing committee had visited Istanbul’s official authorities.
The Governor of Istanbul, Vasip Şahin stated that: “Istanbul is a brand city of congress tourism. We’ll take of care of all the needs for the WFNS congress in order to make it a success’’
As the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Dr. Kadir Topbaş added “Istanbul has the facilities and infrastructure for these kind of important congresses. We are pleased to host the 16th WFNS-World Congress of Neurosurgery”