EKODesign Conference organised for the 9th time
EKODesign Conference organised for the 9th time this year by The Building Information Centre (Yapı-Endüstri Merkezi – YEM) has taken place in the headquarters of YEM in Fulya on Tuesday, April 26. The event was attended by important names such as Jonas Lundberg, Luca Molinari, Prof. Dr. Celal Abdi Güzer, Prof. Dr. Pınar Mengüç, Emre Gürsoy and Alper Derinboğaz, all actively working in the field of “green design”. While Poncebloc was the main sponsor, YAPI Magazine was the information partner of the event.
The EKODesign Conference organised to smooth the way for the concepts of “Sustainable design and urbanisation” supported by the new generation thinking, by The Building Information Centre (YEM), which has been acting with the aim to become the “Information Centre of The Building Industry” for 48 years and with the purpose to raise awareness for the building industry by evaluating sustainable urbanisation policies has taken place under the sponsorship of Poncebloc, under the information partnership of Yapı Magazine and under the support of ÇEDBİK, GYODER, İNDER, ICVB, Türkiye İMSAD and ULI Türkiye in the headquarters of YEM in Fulya.