Half a billion dollar investment to tourism by Elite World Hotels
Drawing attention with being chain and its brand works in the tourism sector, Elite World Hotels chain, will increase its number of hotels to nine with the new hotels it will put into service in the next four years. Total bed number of the chain will reach 4 thousands 966 and total employment of the group will be 1,765 with the new hotels put into service by a 490-million dollar investment in total.
Stating that 2014 and 2015 are investment years for them, General Director of Elite World Hotels Chain, Ünsal Şınık said that “We are planning to open five hotels in four years as Elite World Hotels. Stating that for their foreign investments, they follow trends lighting the way for near future of hotel management on the global basis, General Director of Elite World Hotels, Ünsal Şınık said that “New generation guest requests, social responsibility projects and environmental protection consciousness, new generation payment systems, personalized service, rewarding customer loyalty, health and wellness practices must be our prioritized issues”.