Istanbul welcomed the 22nd World Petroleum Congress
The “22nd World Petroleum Congress (WPC)”, widely recognized as the `Olympics` of the oil and gas industry, held on 9-13 July 2017 in Istanbul Congress Center -ICC and Istanbul Lütfi Kırdar -ICEC, under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye.
The world is experiencing a global shift with dramatic political, economic and industrial changes, increases in population and volatile pricing that have a long-term impact on energy requirements and the global petroleum sector. Demand for conventional and unconventional oil and gas continues to rise and remains critical to the changing energy mix, which includes a significant growth of renewable energy. The industry needs to cooperate with all stakeholders including government, industry, academia and society to build the bridges to a sustainable energy future for all. Partnerships, Technical innovations, human ingenuity and strong leadership form the foundations, supported by global policies for energy efficiency, low carbon solutions, infrastructure development and continuing investment in order to supply energy for our future in a reliable, secure, affordable and responsible manner. The 22nd World Petroleum Congress provides the platform for open dialogue to build bridges between consumers and producers, governments and industry, academia and financiers, leaders and society, in order to address these issues and present debates, developments and solutions for sustainable production and use of the world’s energy resources